„We need to create a space where people can help each other with their presence, preventing social exclusion” – said Gábor Gombos, a highly influential human rights activist who passed away a few days before the first Socio Summit conference, which was opened by this quote in his memory by the members of the Socio-Kraft research group. The conference provided an opportunity for joint thinking and networking. The aim of the Socio Summit conference and of this volume is twofold: on the one hand, to present and transfer existing knowledge on resilience functioning of social service providers, and on the other hand, to promote partnership and co-creations to ensure sustainable development of the sector. In its approach and ambitions, the initiative fits in quite well with the Kraft concept of the Institute of Advanced Studies (iASK), which highlights the interoperability and the potential for interdependence between sectors at regional levels.
The volume presents in detail the conference theme, abstracts of the presentations, brief introductions of the speakers, and includes publications based partly on the presentations given at the conference and partly on further research on the topics at individual, organisational and community levels and supports the resilient functioning of social service providers.
The first Socio Summit conference volume is also the first in the Socio Summit series. As the conference itself is not intended to be a one-off event, but rather a launching event for the series, the programme has been consciously designed not to present a well-defined sub-topic in depth, but to ensure that the invited speakers and the topics covered are representative of the extraordinary diversity of the concept of resilience. This conference volume, although not based exclusively on the presentations given at the conference, also follows this concept, so that the reader is presented with an extremely colourful and varied volume in terms of content, scope and genre. In this spirit, the spectrum ranges from theoretical, conceptual and overview articles, research reports, to case studies and presentations of the scientific and professional dilemmas of a particular subfield. Theory and practice, interdisciplinary issues, global, national, regional and individual aspects are presented in alternating and complementary ways in Hungarian and English.
We are convinced that the volume is a niche in the field of human services, and we hope that its publications will support the development of new research directions and strengthening of old and new links between the social sciences and related disciplines, as well as between the various actors in the (public) services. We are committed to this endeavour and invite the readers of this volume to join us as partners!
The book is available in PDF, you can download it here: Socio Summit 2022 conference volume.
200 pages
ISBN: 978-615-5742-43-9 (pdf)