About us

The Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg

A transdisciplinary research centre whose activities span the world of science from quantum physics to music and the arts; furthermore a space for innovation and integrative development initiatives in both theoretical science and the practical world of policy. The Institute is active in addressing present European historical, social and political issues with special attention to Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Balkans and  a provider of policy recommendations for a wide range of public stakeholders. The Centre is  a home to relevant and cutting-edge research through the interaction between senior and early-career researchers;  a venue for conferences, seminars, workshops and other fora each year, mostly open to the general public, in person and online. The Institute is the host and organizer of the annual International Summer University and the UNESCO MOST Winter School. One of the main aims is to be a catalyst in promoting regional cooperation in Hungary between universities, research centres, and local governments. The Institute is  a member of a growing international network of knowledge centres. The other important goal is to be a promoter of excellence in research, training, and strategic thinking through its international research and scholarship programmes and to publish on a variety of themes – the results of its intellectual achievements.

iASK Socio-Kraft Research Team

Creative Cities-Sustainable regions (KRAFT), a cutting-edge integrated development approach and methodology, is a flagship project run by the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg. The idea behind the approach is that the hallmark of a region’s developmental success is grounded in the cooperation of private, governmental and educational sectors, and in developing innovative evidence-based and sustainable models that represent social processes adequately. Kraft is creating a liveable and accessible social environment through enhancing regional cooperation and concrete R&D projects. As a vital part of this programme, Socio-Kraft is interested in uncovering the creative potentials in social networks and processes, mapping out social services and service providers, as well as facilitating their resilient functioning. Our team members are devoted to creating communal spaces and generating interactions that are accessible for all and that provide solutions for local demands. 

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Semmelweis University Faculty of Health and Public Administration

The ‘youngest’ faculty at Semmelweis University was founded in 2010 with the participation of institutes working in the frontiers of natural and social sciences. The faculty provides courses on public services, which integrate views from the perspective of social and frontier sciences. The different approaches of each discipline and the diversity of training areas within each program reinforce and complement one another, and thus create valuable synergies. The faculty applies the principles and practices of experiential teaching in its training philosophy and strategy and supports small group interactivity and professional networking as well as related educational methodology based on partnerships. The faculty has an extensive network of international partners, which is reflected in the fields of education, research, and development. Taking an active role in the development of a national curriculum on executive education in social care served as an important step in advocating  interdisciplinary approaches at the faculty and the university. As a result, the learning offer at the faculty has grown significantly since 2018, which contributed greatly to establishing the Semmelweis University as a centre of excellence in social care.

Centre for Social Care Excellence

The mission of the Centre for Social Care Excellence is to give the social services sector fresh, innovative impetus to rethink and collaborate, thus contributing to its continuous development. To this end, we strive to continuously renew and update the knowledge, tools and attitudes of the executives working in the sector through our comprehensive training offer. To improve the quality of our training, we also conduct rigorous research on current and future trends as well as unanswered scientific questions relevant to social services. We promote scientific and research activities that make a tangible and practical impact on the practice of social care. Therefore, we strive to embed the results of our research in methodological and practice guidelines, policies as well as recommendations.

We consider professional networks primarily as an inexhaustible resource, the development of which we see not only as a professional but also as a community process. Therefore, we are happy to launch and support all activities that allow for value-creating partnerships in the human and social services sectors. We advocate and nurture new and innovative ideas.

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